Friday, June 30, 2006

July 4th: made in china....

Try this. Google "fireworks" + "made in USA" and "fireworks" + "made in China".

What do you think you get?

China: 54,000
USA: 32,200

(If only World Cup soccer was this exciting!!!)

For market news...

There isn't much. Everyone's on vacation. There's no news next week, nothing.

If the market continues to drift lower, I may keep my eyes peeled for a good deal.
However, I will be very picky based on Big Ben Bernanke's promise to take every bit of data into account for his next decision. (Big Ben to stock market: "Dance my little puppet, dance!" Seriously, how can this guy keep a straight face? He's having too much fun.)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

look what the bowels of boredom have spawned....

Anyone who thinks the market is efficient is dead wrong. If it was efficient, Wellstone Filters would have dropped from $4.oo to $0.48, not $2.40. The company effectively increased the number of outstanding shares by 833%, but the price only fell by 166%.

Good thing. This way I can cut my losses. Too bad I can't short the stock. (It's not a marginable security.) That would be an absolute sure thing.

Just like more volatility in the market this summer.

Big Ben has left the doors wide open to do anything he wants by saying that his next decision will be "data dependent." Every bit of news will be overanalyzed and overreacted to.